Committee Members
If you have a proposal you would like the Committee to consider, please submit it below with the any relevant files such as quotes, pdf's etc. Proposals will be posted below posted below for your reference. Click on the browse button if you wish to change a file or if you want to make any additions, or change anything email [email protected] Proposals will be added within 24 hours.
I have sent the email below to Ablo at BCS - the issue is of concern:
I am very disappointed to learn via a contractor that BCS has made changes to the current works order system which essentially requires a contractor pay an annual fee to be able to receive a works order and to be paid on invoice submitted.
This change has been imposed with no apparent reference to the Aurora OC.
In early January whilst BCS was enjoying its Christmas break Aurora experienced some boiler problems which necessitated a verbal order on O’Brien Boilers. Our concierge arranged an order to be placed by BCS immediately on its return to work.
O’Briens have advised us that they now have to pay a $400 annual fee to receive those two orders placed and to be able to be paid on invoice. Initially David Teehan was going to cancel those changes but it appears he was over ruled.
From my perspective as Chairman Aurora OC Facilities Subcommittee this is unacceptable as is the fact that this significant change appears to have been made by stealth without any discussion or advice to the OC. It will make hiring contractors of our choice difficult.
I would appreciate your earliest response.
Regards, Geoff
I have sent the email below to Ablo at BCS - the issue is of concern:
I am very disappointed to learn via a contractor that BCS has made changes to the current works order system which essentially requires a contractor pay an annual fee to be able to receive a works order and to be paid on invoice submitted.
This change has been imposed with no apparent reference to the Aurora OC.
In early January whilst BCS was enjoying its Christmas break Aurora experienced some boiler problems which necessitated a verbal order on O’Brien Boilers. Our concierge arranged an order to be placed by BCS immediately on its return to work.
O’Briens have advised us that they now have to pay a $400 annual fee to receive those two orders placed and to be able to be paid on invoice. Initially David Teehan was going to cancel those changes but it appears he was over ruled.
From my perspective as Chairman Aurora OC Facilities Subcommittee this is unacceptable as is the fact that this significant change appears to have been made by stealth without any discussion or advice to the OC. It will make hiring contractors of our choice difficult.
I would appreciate your earliest response.
Regards, Geoff
Please look at the documents below and cast your vote which will be ratified at the next meeting.
Cleaning |
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Comment from Nicholas 4.2.2016
Claudio will inspect skirting boards on all levels and set up appropriate cleaning routine. The first paragraph defines one of the parties as City Wide Cleaning Co Pty Ltd (City Wide) and from there on the term City Wide is used for convenience. Comment form Geoff 2.2.2016 Regular dusting of skirtings required in all level lift lobby areas and passageways. Comment from Rick 3.2.2016
I had also commented that given we have a service provider with a similar name, Citywide Solutions, maybe throughout this agreement we refer to City Wide Cleaning Comment from Tony 29.1.2016 The tasks which don't have a frequency of service listed are expected to be done on an "as required" basis. Comment from Nicholas 28.1.2016 Hi All, Please find attached two revised files re the cleaning contract. "Cleaning 2016 Rev 1" is the revised schedule which has been created because Geoff pointed out some duties which should have been included in the schedule but were missing. The additions are highlighted in yellow. "Cleaning Agreement 2016 Rev 1" is new but the only thing that has changed is the date of the agreement; the start date is still 1st February. The price has not changed. Tony and I have discussed the wording of the agreement and we have agreed that the wording does not need to be changed because we are paying 1/12th of the annual fee every month not for services provided specifically in that month. I hope this all makes sense. Please indicate on the left whether you are in favour or against proceeding with this arrangement. Comment from Nicholas 25.1.2016 Hi All, Over the last few weeks Robert, Craig and I have been talking to City Wide Cleaning about a new contract. We asked Claudio to give us a quote for all the services he provides (at the moment we receive a monthly bill plus invoices for some services not included in the monthly amount) The attached file "Aurora Cleaning Schedule" shows all the services we want City Wide to supply. The attached file "Cleaning Agreement 2016" is the draft of an agreement that we would like to execute. Please note that there has not been any price increase to existing services but the total amount is changed only because services that have been billed separately are now included in the monthly bill. Please use this site to indicate your approval or otherwise for this agreement to be executed. If approved in time, we would like the agreement to be signed this week. Comment from Tony 25.1.2016
Point 3 of the proposed Agreement with City Wide. If the intention is to pay two weeks in arrears and two weeks in advance on the 15th of the month (as is done with the Concierge), on line 2 after the word month, I suggest adding the words "for providing the services for that month". If payment is to be wholly in arrears, then I suggest adding the words "for providing the services for the previous month". I vote in favour of payment partly in arrears and partly in advance and execution of the Agreement if amended as suggested above. |
I want to propose that we consider improvements to the gym to be included in the 2016/17 budget. Specifically we should consider replacing the floor with a rubberrised surface and replacing the universal with tow or three single/double action devices that would be located against walls thereby allowing more usable space in the middle of the gym. Nicholas - 14.1.2016
I know this topic is a little old but I would like to the committee to consider a defibrillator in 2016/2017 budget. Storage of this device would be in the internal mail box area above near where the junk mail is currently kept. This area is camera reviewed and in full view of all residents to increase there awareness of the availability of such a product. Anita - 19.1.2016
Proposal to replace quartz pebbles in water feature with grey/black pebbles to enhance appearance and minimise look of algae. 2. Propose we have plumber look at solutions for car wash bay drainage. 3.Propose to get quote for installing LED strip light along the low forecourt wall as well as LED adaption of 3 copper side walk lamps. Craig - 19.1.2016
Please upload any correspondence to / from owners here. Correspondence will be added within 24 hours.
Posted by Frank 30.1.2016
Suggest BCS be involved not Committee Members Posted by Tony Kellar 30.16
On Friday afternoon Mrs. Harpur, apt 1902, handed in a faulty card and asked the concierge for compensation. After investigation, the concierge was reluctant to do anything as the card had no record of being registered or used in the building. The concierge was unsure how to handle it and in an email this morning, asked what should be done next.
I spoke with concierge Roisin this morning and advised that she should not replace Mrs Harpur's card or compensate her for it. I suggested she inform Mrs Harpur that she had been instructed by a committee member that if the access card was not provided by or registered with Aurora, she was unable to assist her. I also asked Roisin to direct Mrs Harpur and further discussion on this matter to me, Robert or Rick. As I recall, Mr. Harpur obtained his own access cards because he wanted many and, like Mr. Edge, he considered the fees charged by Aurora for access fobs were unconscionable. |
Please upload any documents you want to archive for future reference. Documents will be uploaded within 24 hours.
Financial Archive
Website Design
In Favour
Rick Nicholas Robert Tony Frank - Looks good Anita - very nice Nicholas, seems user friendly and accepts even someone like me can use it! Craig Dave - It doesn't look like it is iPhone friendly as the headings are super imposed on each other |